AdventHealth Celebration
This participant group is associated with the following hospital(s):
AdventHealth Celebration
NOTE: Results are based on a participant’s unique group of patients (known as case mix) and the number of surgical procedures in each category. Results and star ratings below are specific to the participant listed and are not intended for direct comparison to other participants.
This Adult Cardiac Surgery Database (ACSD) participant’s score is shown as both a number and a vertical black line in each graph below. Following the participant’s score, the numbers in parentheses – (##, ##) – represent the range (known as a credible interval) within which the participant’s score was likely to fall. Determined using a statistical formula, each participant has a different range. Ranges are based on the participant’s unique mix of patients and number of surgical procedures in each category. The graphs also show the STS average score (the vertical red line) and the lowest-to-highest range across all North American ACSD participants. Hover over each graph for specific descriptions.
Using a statistical formula, participants receive star ratings based on their scores and how they compare to the STS average:
- CABG Composite Quality Rating (January 2021 - December 2023)Overall Composite Score 97.3% (96.6, 97.9)97.3% (96.6, 97.9)Participant ScoreParticipant Credible IntervalSTS RangeSTS Average ScoreAbsence of Operative Mortality 97.9% (97.0, 98.6)97.9% (97, 98.6)Participant ScoreParticipant Credible IntervalSTS RangeSTS Average ScoreAbsence of Major Morbidity 90.8% (89.0 , 92.5)90.8% (89, 92.5)Participant ScoreParticipant Credible IntervalSTS RangeSTS Average ScoreUse of Internal Mammary Artery 99.5% (98.9 , 99.8)99.5% (98.9, 99.8)Participant ScoreParticipant Credible IntervalSTS RangeSTS Average ScoreReceipt of Required Perioperative Medications 98.0% (97.0, 98.8)98% (97, 98.8)Participant ScoreParticipant Credible IntervalSTS RangeSTS Average Score
- AVR Composite Quality Rating (January 2021 - December 2023)Overall Composite Score 93.8% (89.4, 96.8)93.8% (89.4, 96.8)Participant ScoreParticipant Credible IntervalSTS RangeSTS Average ScoreAbsence of Operative Mortality 97.2% (94.3, 98.7)97.2% (94.3, 98.7)Participant ScoreParticipant Credible IntervalSTS RangeSTS Average ScoreAbsence of Major Morbidity 88.8% (82.2 , 93.5)88.8% (82.2, 93.5)Participant ScoreParticipant Credible IntervalSTS RangeSTS Average Score
- AVR+CABG Composite Quality Rating (January 2021 - December 2023)Overall Composite Score 93.7% (90.4, 96.2)93.7% (90.4, 96.2)Participant ScoreParticipant Credible IntervalSTS RangeSTS Average ScoreAbsence of Operative Mortality 96.3% (93.5, 98.2)96.3% (93.5, 98.2)Participant ScoreParticipant Credible IntervalSTS RangeSTS Average ScoreAbsence of Major Morbidity 85.6% (79.2 , 90.8)85.6% (79.2, 90.8)Participant ScoreParticipant Credible IntervalSTS RangeSTS Average Score
CABG Overall Composite Score is calculated using a combination of 11 quality measures divided into four categories or domains:
- Absence of Operative Mortality: Percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience operative mortality. Operative mortality is defined as death during the same hospitalization as surgery or after discharge but within 30 days of the procedure.
- Absence of Major Morbidity: Percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience any major morbidity. These are: 1) reoperation for any cardiac reason (NQF definition); 2) renal failure; 3) deep sternal wound infection; 4) prolonged ventilation/intubation; 5) cerebrovascular accident/permanent stroke.
- Use of Internal Mammary Artery: Percentage of first-time CABG patients who received at least one IMA graft.
- Receipt of Required Perioperative Medications: Percentage of patients who received all required perioperative medications. Performance on perioperative medications is based on a combination of four NQF-endorsed process measures that relate to pre- and postoperative medication usage. The four medication measures are: 1) preoperative beta blockade therapy; 2) discharge anti-platelet medication; 3) discharge beta blockade therapy; and 4) discharge anti-lipid medication.
The Overall Composite Score represents the four domain scores in a single number.
AVR Overall Composite Score; AVR+CABG Overall Composite Score; MVRR Overall Composite Score; and MVRR+CABG Overall Composite Score represent two domain scores in a single number:
- Absence of Operative Mortality: Percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience operative mortality. Operative mortality is defined as death during the same hospitalization as surgery or after discharge but within 30 days of the procedure.
- Absence of Major Morbidity: Percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience any major morbidity. These are: 1) reoperation for any cardiac reason (NQF definition); 2) renal failure; 3) deep sternal wound infection; 4) prolonged ventilation/intubation; 5) cerebrovascular accident/permanent stroke.