Lobectomy for Lung Cancer Composite Measure Rating (July 2020 - June 2023)
Participant is enrolled in public reporting for Lobectomy but did not receive composite measure results for this timeframe. |
Esophagectomy Composite Measure Rating (July 2020 - June 2023)
Participant is not enrolled in public reporting for Esophagectomy but does publicly report for at least one other procedure. |
*Lobectomy for Lung Cancer Overall Composite Score represents two domain scores in a single number:
Absence of Operative Mortality: Percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience operative mortality. Operative mortality is defined as death during the same hospitalization as surgery or after discharge but within 30 days of the procedure.
Absence of Major Morbidity: Percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience any major complication. These are: 1) pneumonia; 2) acute respiratory distress syndrome; 3) bronchopleural fistula; 4) pulmonary embolus; 5) initial ventilator support > 48 hours; 6) reintubation; 7) tracheostomy; 8) myocardial infarction; 9) unexpected return to the operating room.
** Esophagectomy Overall Composite Score represents two domain scores in a single number:
Absence of Operative Mortality: Percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience operative mortality. Operative mortality is defined as death during the same hospitalization as surgery or after discharge but within 30 days of the procedure.
Absence of Major Morbidity: Percentage of patients [risk-adjusted] who did not experience any major complication. These are: 1) pneumonia; 2) recurrent laryngeal nerve paresis; 3) anastomotic leak requiring medical treatment only; 4) initial ventilator support > 48 hours; 5) respiratory failure; 6) unexpected return to the operating room; 7) new renal failure per RIFLE criteria.